Speller Registration Form

Name: _______________________________________
Contact Phone: _______________________________________
Contact Email: _______________________________________

I would like to:
Form my own non-business, independent team of three spellers; my check for $100 is enclosed. I acknowledge this payment does not include money for buying back misspelled words.
Speller 1 name _______________________________
Speller 2 name _______________________________
Speller 3 name _______________________________

Form my own team of three spellers and be assigned to a business sponsor.
Speller 1 name _______________________________
Speller 2 name _______________________________
Speller 3 name _______________________________
Sign up as an individual speller; please assign me to a team and sponsor.
Mail this form with a check (if applicable) made payable to “Kiwanis Club of Waynesville” to:
Kiwanis Club of Waynesville
PO Box 815
Waynesville, NC 28786
Or contact Patrick Ryan to arrange pick up of this form and payment by check:
901-351-2777 or [email protected]
